Red & Blue Agency

Portada inteligencia de negocios
Portada inteligencia de negocios mobile
Inteligencia de negocios

Business Intelligence

Research, gather, and assess relevant market data to identify opportunities in shaping strategies. Subsequently, we execute actions based on findings to enhance sales and market share.



Identify Point of Sale (PDV) insights regarding our products, reach, and coverage. Evaluate Share of Wallet (SOW): How much am I losing? Why are they not buying more from us?


We identify and generate immediate business opportunities, with a transfer to the Sales/Distributor/Cross-Selling area.

Lead Qualification

We qualify incoming leads from digital advertising, inbound actions, BTL, fairs, events, and others, based on qualitative and quantitative parameters that determine the effectiveness of each campaign by adjusting segmentation. We identify MQL or SQL and transfer them to the Sales department.



We enhance, execute, and complement development and loyalty strategies in the channel with our telephone sales team. We train Point of Sale (PDV) on new products, services, or digital tools.

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